Sunday, August 29, 2010

Today was cupcake day at school...


Today we had cupcake day for the S.P.C.A.

Some of the parents bought the cupcakes into the office and the classes.

It was $1 dollar to get a cupcake.

We had to bring $1 dollar into our class rooms and then we had to give the money to our teachers.

Some kids forgot to bring $1 dollar in their class room.

Some kids went to the office to borrow $1.

When we got the cupcakes they were many different designs. There was a Panda, Pig, Mouse and a Dog. There was one with swirls, hundred thousands and licorice allsorts.

They were delicious!

By Janaya ,Jessica and Zara


  1. The cupcakes were delicious. Thanks to all the wonderful cupcake makers and decorators!
    Mrs K

  2. The cupcakes were so cute all the little animals...
    But... The taste is what counts and it was yummy!
